Results for 'Elias S. Cohen'

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  1.  54
    Autonomy and Paternalism: Two Goals in Conflict.Elias S. Cohen - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (4):145-150.
  2.  31
    Realism, Law and Aging.Elias S. Cohen - 1990 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 18 (3):183-192.
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    Airborne Acoustic Perception by a Jumping Spider.Paul S. Shamble, Gil Menda, James R. Golden, Eyal I. Nitzany, Katherine Walden, Tsevi Beatus, Damian O. Elias, Itai Cohen, Ronald N. Miles & Ronald R. Hoy - unknown
    © 2016 Elsevier LtdJumping spiders are famous for their visually driven behaviors [1]. Here, however, we present behavioral and neurophysiological evidence that these animals also perceive and respond to airborne acoustic stimuli, even when the distance between the animal and the sound source is relatively large and with stimulus amplitudes at the position of the spider of ∼65 dB sound pressure level. Behavioral experiments with the jumping spider Phidippus audax reveal that these animals respond to low-frequency sounds by freezing—a common (...)
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    Dorrego, Eduardo y Fuentes, Elías, Dilucidando π. Irracionalidad, trascendencia y cuadratura del círculo en Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777), Londres: College Publications, 2021. [REVIEW]Elias S. Ordorika - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):769-770.
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    La cultura letterario dei Basso Impero.S. D’Elia - 1973 - Augustinianum 13 (1):5-35.
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    Al-riddah and the Muslim Conquest of Arabia.Gautier H. A. Juynboll & Elias S. Shoufani - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):199.
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    The collected works of Norbert Elias.Norbert Elias - 2006 - Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
    Elias wrote in both English and German, and in all his work runs to 14 books and around 90 other essays, along with poems and numerous interviews. The 18 volumes of the collected works contain many writings not previously published in English, and a small number never published before. All of the texts have thoroughly checked and revised, by editors who have a deep knowledge of Elia's thinking; they have inserted many clarifications, cross-references and explanatory notes.
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    Legacy Lecture: Elias Baumgarten.Elias Baumgarten - unknown
    Elias Baumgarten taught philosophy at the University of Michigan-Dearborn from 1972 to 2018. He was born in Brooklyn, grew up in California, and went to schools in Boston and Chicago. He was one of the first recipients of the campus’s “Distinguished Teaching Award.” He taught a wide variety of courses including Medical Ethics, Ethics of War and Peace, Ethics of Nationalism, and Darwinism and Philosophy. Most of his publications are in ethics, including “Zionism, Nationalism, and Morality” and “Curiosity as (...)
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    Detection of change in shape: an advantage for concavities.Elan Barenholtz, Elias H. Cohen, Jacob Feldman & Manish Singh - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):1-9.
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    Wittgenstein's conception of the ?Willing Subject?Elias Baumgarten - 1981 - Man and World 14 (1):15-23.
  11.  26
    The Equiareal Archimedean Synchronization Method of the Quantum Symplectic Phase Space: II. Circle-Valued Moment Map, Integrality, and Symplectic Abelian Shadows.Elias Zafiris - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-32.
    The quantum transition probability assignment is an equiareal transformation from the annulus of symplectic spinorial amplitudes to the disk of complex state vectors, which makes it equivalent to the equiareal projection of Archimedes. The latter corresponds to a symplectic synchronization method, which applies to the quantum phase space in view of Weyl’s quantization approach involving an Abelian group of unitary ray rotations. We show that Archimedes’ method of synchronization, in terms of a measure-preserving transformation to an equiareal disk, imposes the (...)
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  12. It Is Not the Case that [P and 'It Is Not the Case that P' Is True] nor Is It the Case that [P and 'P' Is Not True].Elia Zardini - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):309-319.
    A new semantic paradox developed by Richard Heck and relying on very minimal logical and truth-theoretic resources is rehearsed. A theory of truth restricting the structural metarule of contraction is presented and some of the theory's relevant features are made explicit. It is then shown how the theory provides a principled solution to the paradox while preserving the extremely compelling truth-theoretic principles at stake, thus bringing out a significant advantage that the theory enjoys over virtually all other non-dialetheic theories. It (...)
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  13.  13
    Die religiös-weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates.Elias Bornemann - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die religios-weltanschauliche Neutralitat ist der "Schlusselbegriff" des deutschen Religionsverfassungsrechts. Trotz seiner zentralen Stellung bestehen erhebliche Unsicherheiten uber den genauen Bedeutungsgehalt dieses Verfassungsgrundsatzes. Um eine moglichst ganzheitliche Betrachtung zu ermoglichen, nahert sich Elias Bornemann dem Neutralitatsgebot von mehreren Seiten. Er erarbeitet die historischen Grundlagen des Rechtsbegriffs, beleuchtet Bezuge zur politischen Philosophie und schafft rechtsdogmatische Anknupfungspunkte. Hierauf aufbauend werden in Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft verschiedene Konzepte religios-weltanschaulicher Neutralitat identifiziert und sowohl auf ihre Verfassungsmassigkeit als auch ihre Leistungsfahigkeit hin untersucht. Die Ordnungs- und (...)
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  14. Helen Tager-flusberg, Daniela plesa-skwerer, Susan faja and Robert M. Joseph (boston university school of medicine) people with Williams syndrome process faces holistically, 11–24 Boaz keysar, shuhong Lin (the university of chicago) and Dale J. Barr (the university of california). [REVIEW]Elan Barenholtz, Elias H. Cohen, Jacob Feldman & Manish Singh - 2003 - Cognition 89:297-298.
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  15. Intertextuality in Cheikh Hamidou Kane's The Ambiguous Adventure Multiple Readings of Death.Elias Bongmba - 2001 - In Sue Kossew & Dianne Schwerdt, Re-Imaging Africa: New Critical Perspectives. pp. 145-162.
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    Apuleius, metamorphoses 11.23.5.Elia R. Rudoni - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):812-815.
    quaeras forsitan satis anxie, studiose lector, quid deinde dictum, quid factum. dicerem, si dicere liceret; cognosceres, si liceret audire. sed parem noxam contraherent et aures et lingua[e] illae temerariae curiositatis. In spite of the reader's curiosity, the narrator will not break the secrecy of Isis’ mysteries. Precisely an act of curiositas had brought about Lucius’ transformation into an ass; at the end of the novel he demonstrates that he has learnt his lesson.
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  17. Categorical Modeling of Natural Complex Systems. Part II: Functorial Process of Localization-Globalization.Elias Zafiris - 2008 - Advances in Systems Science and Applications 8 (3):367-387.
    We develop a general covariant categorical modeling theory of natural systems' behavior based on the fundamental functorial processes of representation and localization-globalization. In the second part of this study we analyze the semantic bidirectional process of localization-globalization. The notion of a localization system of a complex information structure bears a dual role: Firstly, it determines the appropriate categorical environment of base reference contexts for considering the operational modeling of a complex system's behavior, and secondly, it specifies the global compatibility conditions (...)
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    A Journey To A Denied Homeland.Elias A. Rashmawi - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 3 (2):159-164.
    Although he was born in Gaza, Palestine, Elias Rashmawi was issued a permanent deportation order by the Israeli High Court because of his involvement in Palestinian organizing while a student in the United States. In November 2000, as the Second Intifada raged on, Rashmawi’s father passed away, and he was granted a limited permit to his homeland to attend the funeral. “How many fathers must die before we are all allowed to return,” he asks in this essay that reifies (...)
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    La conception du Fils de Dieu dans le sein de Marie selon Jacques de Saroug († 521).Marie-Thérèse Elia - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (1):41-60.
    In his writings on the conception and the birth of the Son of God, Jacob of Sarug perceives Mary’s perpetual virginity as a mystery intimately linked to that of the Son of God. In fact, the Son of God has taken flesh from the Virgin for us men and for our salvation. Jacob presents two ways to describe the Incarnation : the conception of the Word of God through the ear, and his entrance in the world through the common door (...)
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  20. Naive Modus Ponens.Elia Zardini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (4):575-593.
    The paper is concerned with a logical difficulty which Lionel Shapiro’s deflationist theory of logical consequence (as well as the author’s favoured, non-deflationist theory) gives rise to. It is argued that Shapiro’s non-contractive approach to solving the difficulty, although correct in its broad outlines, is nevertheless extremely problematic in some of its specifics, in particular in its failure to validate certain intuitive rules and laws associated with the principle of modus ponens. An alternative non-contractive theory is offered which does not (...)
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  21. On Pearl's Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference.Elias Bareinboim, Juan Correa, Duligur Ibeling & Thomas Icard - 2022 - In Hector Geffner, Rita Dechter & Joseph Halpern, Probabilistic and Causal Inference: the Works of Judea Pearl. ACM Books. pp. 507-556.
    Cause and effect relationships play a central role in how we perceive and make sense of the world around us, how we act upon it, and ultimately, how we understand ourselves. Almost two decades ago, computer scientist Judea Pearl made a breakthrough in understanding causality by discovering and systematically studying the “Ladder of Causation” [Pearl and Mackenzie 2018], a framework that highlights the distinct roles of seeing, doing, and imagining. In honor of this landmark discovery, we name this the Pearl (...)
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  22.  31
    Moses Mendelssohn’s Living Script: Philosophy, Practice, History, Judaism.Elias Sacks - 2016 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Moses Mendelssohn is often described as the founder of modern Jewish thought and as a leading philosopher of the late Enlightenment. One of Mendelssohn's main concerns was how to conceive of the relationship between Judaism, philosophy, and the civic life of a modern state. Elias Sacks explores Mendelssohn's landmark account of Jewish practice--Judaism's "living script," to use his famous phrase--to present a broader reading of Mendelssohn's writings and extend inquiry into conversations about modernity and religion. By studying Mendelssohn's thought (...)
  23.  87
    Naive truth and naive logical properties.Elia Zardini - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):351-384.
    A unified answer is offered to two distinct fundamental questions: whether a nonclassical solution to the semantic paradoxes should be extended to other apparently similar paradoxes and whether a nonclassical logic should be expressed in a nonclassical metalanguage. The paper starts by reviewing a budget of paradoxes involving the logical properties of validity, inconsistency, and compatibility. The author’s favored substructural approach to naive truth is then presented and it is explained how that approach can be extended in a very natural (...)
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  24. If every true proposition is knowable, then every believed (decidable) proposition is true, or the incompleteness of the intuitionistic solution to the paradox of knowability.Elia Zardini - unknown
    Fitch’s paradox of knowability is an apparently valid reasoning from the assumption (typical of semantic anti-realism) that every true proposition is knowable to the unacceptable conclusion that every true proposition is known. The paper develops a critical dialectic wrt one of the best motivated solutions to the paradox which have been proposed on behalf of semantic anti-realism—namely, the intuitionistic solution. The solution consists, on the one hand, in accepting the intuitionistically valid part of Fitch’s reasoning while, on the other hand, (...)
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  25.  53
    The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America.Elías José Palti - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (1):149-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 67.1 (2006) 149-179 [Access article in PDF] The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America Elías José Palti Universidad Nacional de Quilmes—CONICET The change that has come over this branch of historiography in the past two decades may be characterized as a movement away from emphasizing history of thought (and even more sharply, "of ideas") toward emphasizing (...)
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  26.  77
    Being a Stranger and the Strangeness of Being: Joseph Conrad’s ‘The secret sharer’ as an allegory of being in education.Elias Schwieler - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (4):409-419.
    Joseph Conrad’s ‘The secret sharer’ has often been associated with what can be called initiation stories. However, in this article I argue that Conrad’s text is more than that. It can, I suggest, be read as an allegory of the inaccessibility to reveal the essence of being in command, being in education, and also the inaccessibility of the essence of the meaning of the text itself. It keeps its secret by allegorically staging alternative readings. This inaccessibility gives rise to a (...)
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    Editorial: Disputatio’s 25th Anniversary.Elia Zardini & Ricardo Santos - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):71-72.
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    Open core and small groups in dense pairs of topological structures.Elías Baro & Amador Martin-Pizarro - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (1):102858.
    Dense pairs of geometric topological fields have tame open core, that is, every definable open subset in the pair is already definable in the reduct. We fix a minor gap in the published version of van den Dries's seminal work on dense pairs of o-minimal groups, and show that every definable unary function in a dense pair of geometric topological fields agrees with a definable function in the reduct, off a small definable subset, that is, a definable set internal to (...)
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  29.  84
    Context and consequence. An intercontextual substructural logic.Elia Zardini - 2014 - Synthese 191 (15):3473-3500.
    Some apparently valid arguments crucially rely on context change. To take a kind of example first discussed by Frege, ‘Tomorrow, it’ll be sunny’ taken on a day seems to entail ‘Today, it’s sunny’ taken on the next day, but the first sentence taken on a day sadly does not seem to entail the second sentence taken on the second next day. Mid-argument context change has not been accounted for by the tradition that has extensively studied the distinctive logical properties of (...)
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    The information inelasticity of habits: Kahneman’s bounded rationality or Simon’s procedural rationality?Elias L. Khalil - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-40.
    Why would decision makers adopt heuristics, priors, or in short “habits” that prevent them from optimally using pertinent information—even when such information is freely-available? One answer, Herbert Simon’s “procedural rationality” regards the question invalid: DMs do not, and in fact cannot, process information in an optimal fashion. For Simon, habits are the primitives, where humans are ready to replace them only when they no longer sustain a pregiven “satisficing” goal. An alternative answer, Daniel Kahneman’s “mental economy” regards the question valid: (...)
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  31. The Opacity of Truth.Elia Zardini - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):37-54.
    The paper offers a critical examination of a prominent, “quasi-deflationist” argument advanced in the contemporary debate on the semantic paradoxes against non-naive and non-transparent theories of truth. The argument claims that truth unrestrictedly fulfils certain expressive functions, and that its so doing requires the unrestricted validity of naivety and transparency principles. The paper criticises the quasi-deflationist argument by considering some kinds of cases in which transparency and naivety arguably fail. In some such cases truth still fulfils the relevant expressive functions (...)
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  32.  93
    Closed without boundaries.Elia Zardini - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):641-679.
    The paper critically discusses two prominent arguments against closure principles for knowledge. The first one is the “argument from aggregation”, claiming that closure under conjunction has the consequence that, if one individually knows i premises, one also knows their i-fold conjunction—yet, every one of the premises might exhibit interesting positive epistemic properties while the i-fold conjunction might fail to do so. The second one is the “argument from concatenation”, claiming that closure under entailment has the consequence that, if one knows (...)
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    Aspects de la divination dans la monarchie macédonienne.Elias Koulakiotis - 2013 - Kernos 26:123-138.
    L’article examine les dimensions politiques et religieuses de l’image d’Alexandre le Grand qui, à un moment donné de l’expédition asiatique, interprète lui-même un signe. Il semble que nous avons affaire à un roi-exégète, situé dans le contexte d’une monarchie dont le souverain était aussi le magistrat religieux suprême. Il s’agit d’une image qui invite à réfléchir sur l’importance de la divination à la cour macédonienne, sur les personnes qui y sont impliquées, ainsi que sur les rapports entre pratiques divinatoires grecques, (...)
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    Effects of divorce in the church: a case study of selected CITAM churches in Kenya (CITAM Valley Road, CITAM Woodley, CITAM Ngong).Elias Juma Simiyu - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 5 (1):10-30.
    Purpose: The church is expected to contribute to the stable marriage and ensure that it has put measures in place that will reduce the rate of divorce as much as possible. The purpose of the paper is to determine the effects of divorce in the selected churches of CITAM in Kenya. The objectives is to establish whether divorce has any effect on the psychological wellbeing of children and spouses affected, some of the causes of divorce, and the role of CITAM (...)
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  35. Beyond Self-Interest and Altruism: A Reconstruction of Adam Smith's Theory of Human Conduct.Elias L. Khalil - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):255-273.
    I attempt a reconstruction of Adam Smith's view of human nature as explicated in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Smith's view of human conduct is neither functionalist nor reductionist, but interactionist. The moral autonomy of the individual, conscience, is neither made a function of public approval nor reduced to self-contained impulses of altruism and egoism. Smith does not see human conduct as a blend of independently defined impulses. Rather, conduct is unified, by the underpinning sentiment of sympathy.
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  36. Positioning the educational researcher through reflections on an autoethnographical account: on the edge of scientific research, political action and personal engagement.Elias Hemelsoet - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (2):220-233.
    Ethnographic fieldwork is subject to a number of tensions regarding the position of the researcher. Traditionally, these are discussed from a methodological perspective, and draw attention to issues such as ‘objectivity’ of the research and the supposed need for ‘distance’ in the process of knowledge-building. Approaching the issue from a different angle, this article provides a reflection on the positionality of the researcher through an autoethnographical account based on fieldwork with socially excluded groups. Rather than reflecting on the (dis)advantages of (...)
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    A novel explanation for the very special initial state of the universe.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - unknown
    We put forward a proposal that combines objective collapse models, developed in connection with quantum-foundational questions, with the so-called Weyl curvature hypothesis, introduced by Roger Penrose as an attempt to account for the very special initial state of the universe. In particular, we explain how a curvature dependence of the collapse rate in such models, an idea already shown to help in the context of black holes and information loss, could also offer a dynamical justification for Penrose's conjecture.
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    Aspects of the Revelation of the Divine in St. Gregory Palamas’ Treatise De Operationibus Divinis.Elias Tempelis & Christos Terezis - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (4):3-21.
    In this paper, we examine the concepts ‘destination’, ‘revelation’, ‘foreknowledge’, ‘will’, ‘transmission’, ‘motion’, and ‘grace’, as they appear in Gregory Palamas’ treatise De opera-tionibus divinis. According to the Christian theologian, these terms correspond to specific ways of God’s manifestation, i.e. His natural and supernatural revelation. Since they illuminate God’s energies, but not His essence, they are participated by the beings of the natural world. The first two terms mainly refer to a general version of the revelation, while the third contains (...)
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    Proclus on the transition from metaphysical being to natural becoming: a new reading of the Platonic theory of forms.Elias Tempelis - 2017 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    This volume examines the historical end of the Platonic tradition in relation to creation theories of the natural world through the Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus' (412-485) elaboration of an investigation of Plato's theory of metaphysical archetypal Forms. Proclus proceeds to a systematic construction of this theory and grounds it in ontological monism. He presents the Forms as constructing, through their combinations, the presuppositions for the creation of the natural world, in such a way that it functions in an orderly and harmonious (...)
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    Deconstruction of Discernment in Child Euthanasia.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):671-690.
    Belgian law on child euthanasia uses the concept of discernment to bestow the right to die to minors. Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction of oppositional logic grasps the ambiguity of this use of discernment and generally challenges the alleged force of a textual sign meaningfully to differentiate itself from its different and meaningless else. This alleged ability to discern the presence of discernment impinges the truth-value of the distinction between worthy/unworthy lives. The resulting undecidability morally suggests the respect for otherness and promotes (...)
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    The Psychological Background of the First Education in Plato's Laws.Elias Georgoulas - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (4):338-353.
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    On the Ineffable Unity of Morality and Politics in Kant.Elia R. G. Pusterla & Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen - forthcoming - Jus Cogens:1-21.
    Unable to overlook Agamben’s gloss of Kant’s moral philosophy as a vector of ontological delirium, the article scrutinises Kant’s choice of the well-known expression ‘categorical imperative’ as the prescriptive cornerstone of moral praxis. The article’s central claim is that the linguistic formulation of the categorical imperative in such terms on Kant’s part is not determined by pleonastic redundancy or overabundant formality. It depends on Kant’s well-aware need to voice and get logically rid of, as best as possible, within the available (...)
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    Hegel’s Inversion of the Tantric Buddhist, Bönpo and Stoic View of History.Elias Capriles - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:39-45.
    Hegel inverted the Tantric Buddhist, Bönpo and Stoic view of human spiritual and social evolution by presenting it as a progressive perfecting rather than as a progressive degeneration impelled by the gradual development of the basic human delusion called avidya (unawareness). Since he cancelled the crucial map /territory distinction, he had to explain change in nature as the negation of the immediately preceding state, and since he wanted spiritual and social evolution to be a process of perfecting, he had to (...)
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  44. Derrida's Wheel – The Circularity of Political (R)Evolutions.Elia R. G. Pusterla & Francesca Pusterla - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (1):102-122.
    This article investigates the relationship between political revolutions and the evolution of politics. It discusses the circularity within the concept of revolution through Jacques Derrida’s theory of sovereignty as particularly per Rogues – Two Essays on Reason and The Beast and the Sovereign. Derrida’s notions of wheel and ipseity display ontological prerogatives and evolutionary limits of political revolutions possibly coinciding with reversals hard to turn into linear evolutions, excluding rather than reaffirming circularity. Political revolutions show such incapacity to become evolutionary (...)
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    Learning from mistakes: Using audio-recorded transcription errors to probe the sociocognitive paradigm in language processing.Elías Domínguez Barajas - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (3):259-281.
    This article argues that errors in audio data processing should be examined to explore and expose the underlying components that enable linguistic communication and cross-cultural understanding. Examples of errors in the transcription of a Mexican social network’s conversations are analyzed to demonstrate the potential of such data in the development of sociocognitive language-processing theories. It is suggested that researchers working with audio-recorded data should expand the scope of what is considered useful data for the sake of both methodological reflexivity and (...)
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    Normal triangulations in o-minimal structures.Elías Baro - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):275-288.
    Let $\scr{R}$ be an o-minimal structure over a real closed field R. Given a simplicial complex K and some definable subsets S₁,...,S l of its realization $|K|$ in R we prove that there exist a subdivision K' of K and a definable triangulation $\phi ^{\prime}\colon |K^{\prime}|\rightarrow |K|$ of $|K|$ partitioning S₁,...,S l with $\phi ^{\prime}$ definably homotopic to $id_{|K|}$ . As an application of this result we obtain the semialgebraic Hauptvermutung.
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    Information ethics across information cultures.Elia Chepaitis - 1997 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 6 (4):195–200.
    Information cultures consist of the values, beliefs and behaviour relating to information ownership and management, while information ethics applies to the moral application of data. The author’s experience of Russia and its information culture provides a striking case study of the disastrous social and business consequences of an absence of information ethics. This paper was delivered in its original form at the First World Congress of Business, Economics and Ethics of the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics , held (...)
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    Confidentiality and consent in living kidney transplantation: is it essential for a donor to know that their recipient has HIV disease?Robert Elias - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (4):202-207.
    It is now possible for someone with HIV disease to receive a kidney transplant from a living donor, although there is evidence only about the short-term outcomes of such a procedure. A person with HIV disease may not wish to disclose their diagnosis to a potential kidney donor. This paper argues that disclosure of the diagnosis of HIV to the donor is not necessary for informed consent. Concerns about the relationship of trust between the clinical team and the donor hold (...)
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    Are Plants Rational?Elias L. Khalil - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (1):53-66.
    Organisms change their shape and behavior during ontogenesis in response to incentives—what biologists call “phenotypic plasticity” or what is called here more specifically “behavioral plasticity.” Such plasticity is usually in the direction of enhancing welfare or fitness. In light of basic concepts in economics, such behavioral plasticity is nothing but rationality. Such rationality is not limited to organisms with neural systems. It also characterizes brainless organisms such as plants, fungi, and unicellular organisms. The gist of the article is the distinction (...)
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    The Credibility of Sovereignty - The Political Fiction of a Concept.Elia R. G. Pusterla - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book deeply analyses the bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union and their effect on the former's sovereignty in the context of Europeanisation. This touches on philosophical debates on the complexity of sovereignty. What sovereignty is at stake when talking about Swiss-EU relations? This issue not only faces the elusiveness of sovereignty as a concept, but also the proliferation of hypocrisy on its presence within states. The book encounters the deconstructionist hypothesis stating that there is nothing to worry (...)
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